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学签上诉案例:Zhang v Canada


72. (1) Judicial review by the Federal Court with respect to any matter — a decision, determination or order made, a measure taken or a question raised — under this Act is commenced by making an application for leave to the Court.


今天我们主要分享一个案例,Zhang v Canada,请注意,加拿大是判例法,也就是说所有情况类似的案件都会得到同样的判决。

联邦法院IMM-5724-13号案例,是来自北京26岁的、本科毕业的申请人Zhang, Duo希望就读EMSB的桌面出版,这种条件要我们今天来看是铁定会拒签的。

[1] The applicant, a 26 year old citizen of the People’s Republic of China [PRC], is seeking to review a decision of a visa officer, dated August 20, 2012, in which she was found not to have met the requirements of the Immigration and Protection Act, SC 2001, c 27 and its Regulations (SOR/2002-227), as an applicant for a Canadian study permit.
[2] The officer is not satisfied that the applicant is a genuine visitor who will leave Canada upon the expiry of his work permit mainly because the latter has insufficient financial and personal ties to China, considering that the applicant’s family is small, his salary in China is modest in light of his relatively high position, he has limited advancement opportunities in China and he would not gain experience readily bankable upon his return to China.


[3] The officer’s factual assessment is to be reviewed on the reasonableness standard (Dhillon v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2009 FC 614 (CanLII), 347 F.T.R. 24 (Eng.) at paragraph 19). For the reasons hereunder, the Court finds that the visa officer’s conclusion does not fall within the range of possible, acceptable outcomes which are defensible in respect of the facts and the law.
[4] The applicant has the burden of proof to satisfy the officer that he is a bona fide visitor to Canada and will, indeed, leave the country once his temporary work permit has expired. One large component of this is proving sufficient ties to one’s home country. It is clear, on the face of the record, that the applicant discharged himself of this burden of proof, which must not be insurmountable in the circumstances.


[5] First, the applicant explains in her study plan that she has been unable to find a job at a television station after graduation and that the field is increasingly competitive. She states that “[d]ue to my major, I can have a good development only if I can get a job in the TV Station. But unfortunately, I had many job rejections from the TV Stations after graduation … The present situation is more and more graduates from the universities join into the competition with me in this industry. I realize that my development prospect is quite grim.” After her first application for a permit to study at McGill was rejected, the applicant became engaged and had to “reconsider and re-plan [her] career path for him.” She explains that her fiancé works in publishing and they seek to open a business together. While it is unclear what sort of business the applicant and her fiancé seek to open, or precisely why she needs to study Desktop Publishing, the study plan provides a plausible explanation for her genuine desire to study at Rosemount Technology Centre; an explanation that cannot arbitrarily be discarded by the visa officer. There must be an objective reason to question the motivation of an applicant for study visa.

其次,很明显签证官没有考虑到申请人提出的其他关于他会回到中国的原因,比如,学习计划提到申请人的未婚夫在中国,他有一个企业,他给她买了一套房子,去加拿大读书只是他们“关于未来计划的一部分,所以我不会在加拿大呆很长时间”。申请人同时申请她会回到中国照顾她的父母,并且她知道在加拿大黑下来的后果,在之前的案例Cao v Canada中(这个案例我们之后会讲到),法官判决签证官不能简单地认为申请人申明会案例离开加拿大是陈词滥调。这个申明清晰地表明申请人知道不按时离开的后果,并且正因为知道这些后果,她不会逾期滞留在加拿大。

[6] Second, it is apparent that the visa officer has also failed to consider any other reasons raised by the applicant to support her claim that she would return to the PRC. For example, her study plan states that her fiancé lives in China, he owns his own business there and he has purchased an apartment in her name. The applicant’s declaration explains that her fiancé is not interested in living abroad but that her study “is also one part of the preparation for our future career; therefore I will not stay in Canada for long term” (see para VI of the declaration, Applicant’s Record [AR] at 28). The declaration also states that the applicant plans to have a family in China and to take care of her parents there and that she understands the repercussions of failing to leave Canada (at paras VII and IX, AR at 28-29). As stated in Cao v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2010 FC 941 (CanLII) at para 13 [Cao], “[t]he decision to submit the applicant’s declaration is not a banal gesture. The declaration is a clear statement that the applicant understand the consequences of overstaying his welcome in Canada, and for this reason, it will not happen.”


[7] The second issue relates to the officer’s assertion that the applicant fails to demonstrate her ability to pay for the program she intend to pursue in Canada. The applicant states that this finding is contrary to the evidence while the respondent submits that it is supported by the record.


[8] While the burden of proof is on the applicant, the decision must be based on reasonable findings of fact, and must be based on the record at hand (see Zhang v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2003 FC 1493 at para 7; Utenkova v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2012 FC 959 (CanLII) at para 7). In the case at bar, the applicant provides an invoice from the EMSB confirming that she had paid the CAD $100 application fee and CAD $14,890 in tuition. The balance owing is $6,897.17 (Certified Tribunal Record at page 20). In addition, she states in her study plan and declaration that her parents have prepared RMB 280,000 (approximately CAD $50,000) as living expenses and final payment of tuition and includes a certificate documenting her father’s income from 2011 and 2012 (with his annual income being approximately CAD $15,000 a year).


[9] In the case at bar, the officer’s failure to explain why the applicant would be unable to afford the program makes the decision unreasonable given the confirmation by EMSB that two-thirds of the fees are already paid and the declaration and study plan asserting that the applicant’s parents are ready to support her. The respondent argues that there is no affidavit or sworn declaration signed by her parents establishing their undertaking to support her for the duration of her studies. However, since there is no indication that the officer was concerned about her ability to afford to live in Montreal, other than checking off a box in the form letter, I reject the respondent’s contention that the absence of an undertaking can save this decision. In passing, the visa officer also fails to address the applicant’s sworn declaration which included further assurances that she would not overstay. While declarations cannot be presumed to be true, the statements made in a declaration must be weighed by the officer in light of the totality of the evidence and the personal circumstances of the particular applicant (Cao at para 13; Huang v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2012 FC 145 (CanLII) at para 13; and Xie v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2012 FC 1239 (CanLII) at paras 28-29).


[10] For all these reasons, I will allow this judicial review application. No question of general importance has been proposed by counsel and none shall be certified by the Court.

这个判例是2014年的,引用了很多之前的判决,这些判决都非常详细地分析了签证官的拒签决定是否合理:如果像现在北京上海这样随便写“does not seem reasonable”,上诉的时候简直可以成为沙包被原告驳得体无完肤。或许大量这样的案件交到法院后,移民局直接同意和解了。








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