职业中文名称 |
职业英文名称(ANZSCO occupation) |
评估机构(Assessing Authority) |
133111 | 施工项目经理 | Construction Project Manager | VETASSESS |
133112 | 项目构建者 | Project Builder | VETASSESS |
133211 | 工程师经理 | Engineering Manager | Engineers Australia/AIM |
133513 | 生产经理(新增) | Production Manager | VETASSESS |
134111 | 儿童护理中心经理 | Child Care Centre Manager | TRA |
134211 | 医疗主管 | Medical Administrator | VETASSESS |
134212 | 护理临床主任 | Nursing Clinical Director | ANMAC(formerly known as ANMC) |
134213 | 基础卫生机构经理 | Primary health organisation manager | ANMAC(formerly known as ANMC) |
134214 | 福利中心经理 | Welfare Centre Manager | VETASSESS |
221111 | 普通会计 | Accountant (General) | CPAA/ICAA/IPA |
221112 | 管理会计 | Management Accountant | CPAA/ICAA/IPA |
221113 | 税务会计 | Taxation Accountant | CPAA/ICAA/IPA |
221213 | 外审 | External Auditor | CPAA/ICAA/IPA |
221214 | 内审 | Internal Auditor | VETASSESS |
224111 | 精算师 | Actuary | VETASSESS |
224511 | 土地经济师 | Land Economist | VETASSESS |
224512 | 估价师 | Valuer | VETASSESS |
231212 | 船舶工程师 | Ship‘s Engineer | AMSA |
231213 | 船长 | Ship’s Master | AMSA |
231214 | 船员 | Ship’s Officer | AMSA |
232111 | 建筑师 | Architect | AACA |
232112 | 景观设计师 | Landscape Architect | VETASSESS |
232212 | 测量师 | Surveyor | SSSI( formerly known as ISA) |
232213 | 制图师 | Cartographer | VETASSESS |
232214 | 其他空间科学家 | Other Spatial Scientist | VETASSESS |
232611 | 城市和区域规划师 | Urban and Regional Planner | VETASSESS |
233111 | 化学工程师 | Chemical Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233112 | 材料工程师 | Materials Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233211 | 土木工程师 | Civil Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233212 | 岩土工程师 | Geotechnical engineer | Engineers Australia |
233213 | 工料测量师 | Quantity Surveyor | AIQS |
233214 | 结构工程师 | Structural engineer | Engineers Australia |
233215 | 交通工程师 | Transport engineer | Engineers Australia |
233311 | 电气工程师 | Electrical Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233411 | 电子工程师 | Electronics Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233511 | 工业工程师 | Industrial Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233512 | 机械工程师 | Mechanical Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233513 | 产品和工厂工程师 | Production or Plant Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233611 | 采矿工程师(不包括石油) | Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) | Engineers Australia |
233612 | 石油工程师 | Petroleum Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233911 | 航空工程师 | Aeronautical Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233912 | 农业工程师 | Agricultural Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233913 | 生物医学工程师 | Biomedical Engineer | Engineers Australia |
233914 | 工程技师 | Engineering Technologist | Engineers Australia |
233915 | 环境工程师 | Environmental engineer | Engineers Australia |
233916 | 造船工程师 | Naval Architect | Engineers Australia |
234111 | 农业顾问 | Agricultural Consultant | VETASSESS |
234112 | 农业科学家 | Agricultural Scientist | VETASSESS |
234113 | 林务员 | Forester | VETASSESS |
234611 | 医学实验室科学家 | Medical Laboratory Scientist | AIMS |
234711 | 兽医 | Veterinarian | AVBC |
234912 | 冶金学家(新增) | Metallurgist | vetassess |
234914 | 物理学家 | Physicist (Medical Physicist only) | ACPSEM |
241111 | 幼儿教育教师 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher | NOOSR/AITSL(formerly known as TA) |
241411 | 中学教师 | Secondary School Teacher | NOOSR/AITSL(formerly known as TA) |
241511 | 特殊需要教师 | Special Needs Teacher | AITSL |
241512 | 听障教师 | Teacher of the Hearing Impaired | AITSL |
241513 | 视力残疾儿童教师 | Teacher of the Sight Impaired | AITSL |
241599 | 其他特殊教师 | Special Education Teachers nec | AITSL |
251211 | 医疗诊断放松技师 | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | AIR |
251212 | 医学放射治疗师 | Medical Radiation Therapist | AIR |
251213 | 核医学技师 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | ANZSNM |
251214 | 超声检测师 | Sonographer | AIR |
251311 | 环境卫生事务员 | Environmental Health Officer | VETASSESS |
251312 | 职业健康和安全顾问 | Occupational Health and Safety Advisor | VETASSESS |
251411 | 验光师(新增) | Optometrist | OCANZ |
252111 | 脊椎按摩师 | Chiropractor | CCEA |
252112 | 整骨医生 | Osteopath | SCORB/ANZOC |
252311 | 牙医技师 | Dental Specialist | ADC |
252312 | 牙科医生 | Dentist | ADC |
252411 | 职业治疗师 | Occupational Therapist | OTC (formerly known as COTRB) |
252511 | 物理治疗师 | Physiotherapist | APC |
252611 | 足病医生 | Podiatrist | APodC/ANZPAC |
252712 | 语言病理医生 | Speech Pathologist | SPA |
253111 | 麻醉师 | Anaesthetist | Medical Board of Australia |
253211* | 麻醉师 | Anesthetist | Medical Board of Australia |
253311 | 专科医生(普通医学) | Specialist Physician (General Medicine) | Medical Board of Australia |
253312 | 心脏科医生 | Cardiologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253313 | 临床血液病医生 | Clinical Haematologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253314 | 肿瘤内科医生 | Medical Oncologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253315 | 内分泌医生 | Endocrinologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253316 | 胃肠专科医生 | Gastroenterologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253317 | 重症特别护理医生 | Intensive Care Specialist | Medical Board of Australia |
253318 | 神经科医生 | Neurologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253321 | 儿科医生 | Paediatrician | Medical Board of Australia |
253322 | 肾病医学专家 | Renal Medicine Specialist | Medical Board of Australia |
253323 | 风湿病医生 | Rheumatologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253324 | 胸腔医学专家 | Thoracic Medicine Specialist | Medical Board of Australia |
253399 | 其他内科医生 | Specialist Physicians nec | Medical Board of Australia |
253411 | 精神病医生 | Psychiatrist | Medical Board of Australia |
253511 | 外科医生(普通) | Surgeon (General) | Medical Board of Australia |
253512 | 心外科医生 | Cardiothoracic Surgeon | Medical Board of Australia |
253513 | 神经外科医生 | Neurosurgeon | Medical Board of Australia |
253514 | 矫形外科医生 | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Medical Board of Australia |
253515 | 耳鼻喉科医生 | Otorhinolaryngologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253516 | 儿科外科医生 | Paediatric Surgeon | Medical Board of Australia |
253517 | 整形外科医生 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon | Medical Board of Australia |
253518 | 泌尿科医生 | Urologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253521 | 血管外科医生 | Vascular Surgeon | Medical Board of Australia |
253911 | 皮肤科医生 | Dermatologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253912 | 急诊医学专家 | Emergency Medicine Specialist | Medical Board of Australia |
253913 | 妇产科医生 | Obstetrician and Gynaecologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253914 | 眼科医生 | Ophthalmologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253915 | 病理学家 | Pathologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253917 | 诊断及介入放射科 | Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253918 | 放松肿瘤科医生 | Radiation Oncologist | Medical Board of Australia |
253999 | 其他医生 | Medical Practitioners nec | Medical Board of Australia |
254111* | 助产师 | Midwife | ANMAC |
254411 | 执业护士 | Nurse Practitioner | ANMAC |
254412 | 注册护士(老年护理) | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | ANMAC |
254413* | 注册护士(儿童家庭护理) | Registered nurse (child and family health) | ANMAC |
254414 | 注册护士(社区卫生) | Registered Nurse (Community Health) | ANMAC |
254415 | 注册护士(急救护理和急诊) | Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | ANMAC |
254416 | 注册护士(残疾辅助) | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | ANMAC |
254417 | 注册护士(残疾和复原) | Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) | ANMAC |
254418 | 注册护士(医药) | Registered Nurse (Medical) | ANMAC |
254421 | 注册护士(医疗实践) | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | ANMAC |
254422 | 注册护士(心理健康) | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | ANMAC |
254423 | 注册护士(手术) | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | ANMAC |
254424 | 注册护士(外科) | Registered Nurse (Surgical) | ANMAC |
254499 | 其他注册护士 | Registered Nurses nec | ANMAC |
261111 | ICT 业务分析师 | ICT Business Analyst | ACS |
261112 | 系统分析师 | Systems Analyst | ACS |
261311 | 分析程序员 | Analyst Programmer | ACS |
261312 | 开发程序员 | Developer Programmer | ACS |
261313 | 软件工程师 | Software Engineer | ACS |
263111 | 计算机网络及系统工程师(新增) | Computer Network and Systems Engineer | ACS |
263311 | 电信工程师 | Telecommunications engineer | Engineers Australia |
263312 | 电信网络工程师 | Telecommunications network engineer | Engineers Australia |
271111 | 律师 | Barrister | SLAA |
271311 | 律师 | Solicitor | SLAA |
272311 | 临床心理学家 | Clinical Psychologist | APS |
272312 | 教育心理学家 | Educational Psychologist | APS |
272313 | 组织架构心理学家 | Organisational Psychologist | APS |
272314 | 精神治疗医生 | Psychotherapist | VETASSESS |
272399 | 其他心理学家 | Psychologists nec | APS |
272511 | 社工 | Social Worker | AASW |
312211 | 土木工程绘图员 | Civil engineering draftsperson | Engineers Australia/ VETASSESS |
312212 | 土木工程技术员 | Civil Engineering Technician | VETASSESS |
312311 | 电气工程制图员 | Electrical Engineering Draftsperson | Engineers Australia |
312312 | 电气工程技术员 | Electrical Engineering Technician | TRA |
313211 | 无线通信技师 | Radiocommunications technician | TRA |
313212 | 电信领域工程师 | Telecommunications field engineer | Engineers Australia |
313213 | 电信网络规划员 | Telecommunications network planner | Engineers Australia |
313214 | 电信技术官或技术员 | Telecommunications technical officer or technologi | Engineers Australia |
321111 | 汽车电气技师 | Automotive Electrician | TRA |
321211 | 汽车机械技工(普通) | Motor Mechanic (General) | TRA |
321212 | 柴油汽车技工 | Diesel Motor Mechanic | TRA |
321213 | 摩托车技工 | Motorcycle Mechanic | TRA |
321214 | 小引擎技工 | Small engine mechanic | TRA |
322211 | 钣金工 | Sheetmetal Trades Worker | TRA |
322311 | 金属装配工 | Metal Fabricator | TRA |
322312 | 压焊 | Pressure Welder | TRA |
322313 | 焊工(甲等) | Welder (First Class) | TRA |
323211 | 装配工(普通) | Fitter (General) | Trades Recognition Australia |
323212 | 装备工及车工 | Fitter and Turner | Trades Recognition Australia |
323213 | 装配焊工 | Fitter-Welder | Trades Recognition Australia |
323214 | 金属机械工(高级) | Metal Machinist (First Class) | Trades Recognition Australia |
323313 | 锁匠 | Locksmith | TRA |
331112 | 石匠 | Stonemason | TRA |
331211 | 木匠和细木匠 | Carpenter and Joiner | TRA |
331212 | 木工 | Carpenter | TRA |
331213 | 细木工 | Joiner | TRA/ |
332211 | 喷绘工 | Painting Trades Worker | TRA |
333111 | 釉工 | Glazier | TRA |
333211 | 纤维泥水匠 | Fibrous Plasterer | TRA |
333212 | 固体泥水匠 | Solid Plasterer | TRA |
334111 | 水管工(普通) | Plumber (General) | TRA |
334112 | 空调和机械管道工 | Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber | TRA |
334113 | 排水道工 | Drainer | TRA |
334114 | 煤气工 | Gasfitter | TRA |
334115 | 屋顶水管工 | Roof Plumber | TRA |
341111 | 电工(普通) | Electrician (General) | TRA |
341112 | 电工(特殊类别) | Electrician (Special Class) | TRA |
341113 | 电梯技工 | Lift Mechanic | TRA |
342111 | 空调和制冷机械工 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic | TRA |
342211 | 电气接线工 | Electrical Linesworker | TRA |
342212 | 电缆接线员 | Technical Cable Jointer | TRA |
342313 | 电子设备行业工人 | Electronic equipment trades worker | TRA |
342314 | 电子仪器技工(普通) | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) | TRA |
342315 | 电子仪器技工(特殊类别) | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class | TRA |
399111 | 船舶制造和修理师 | Boat Builder and Repairer | Trades Recognition Australia |
399112 | 造船工人 | Shipwright | Trades Recognition Australia |
411211 | 牙科保健员 | Dental Hygienist | VETASSESS |
411212 | 牙科修复员 | Dental Prosthetist | TRA |
411213 | 牙科技师 | Dental Technician | TRA |
411214 | 牙科治疗师 | Dental Therapist | VETASSESS |