经过在议会1年多的辩论和投票,修改公民法案的C-6法案在参众两院获得通过,并于2017年6月19日正式收到皇室批准开始生效。本文将会选择重要的点并总结前公民法(Previous Citizenship Act)与C-6修正后的公民法案(Citizenship Act with Bill C-6 AmendmentsC-6)对加拿大公民的影响。
Changes that take effect immediately upon Royal Assent on June 19, 2017 立刻生效的改变 |
Previous Citizenship Act 旧公民法 |
Citizenship Act with Bill C-6 Amendments C-6修正后的公民法 |
Citizenship could be revoked from dual citizens convicted of treason, spying and terrorism offences, depending on the sentence received, or who were a part of an armed force of a country or organized group engaged in conflict with Canada. 如被认定以下罪行,具有双重国籍的公民可能会被取消国籍: A 叛国、从事间谍或恐怖行动,根据判决结果决定; B 武装部队成员或有组织的团体成员,与加拿大发生冲突。 |
This provision is repealed. Dual citizens living in Canada who are convicted of these crimes will face the Canadian justice system, like other Canadian citizens who break the law. 本条被推翻。居住在加拿大境内的双重国籍公民从事这些犯罪活动,将会走加拿大司法程序,与其他犯法加拿大公民同等。 |
Applicants were required to intend to continue to live in Canada if granted citizenship. 申请人被要求表明成为公民后,将继续居住在加拿大。 |
This provision is repealed. Applicants are no longer required to intend to continue to live in Canada once granted citizenship. This provides more flexibility to Canadians who may need to live outside of Canada for work or personal reasons. 本条被推翻。申请人不再被要求表明成为公民后,将继续居住在加拿大。这给因工作和私人原因,可能居住在加拿大以外的加拿大公民提供了选择空间。 |
The Minister had the discretion to waive certain requirements under subsection 5(1) of the Citizenship Act so a minor could obtain citizenship without a Canadian parent. 移民部长有酌处权为某个未成年免除公民法第五章第一条的某些要求,该未成年不必由父母亲陪同入籍,独自入籍。 |
Minors can now apply for citizenship without a Canadian parent, as the age requirement for citizenship has been removed under subsection 5(1). A person having custody of the minor or empowered to act on their behalf by court order, written agreement or operation of law, can now apply for citizenship on behalf of the minor, unless that requirement is waived by the Minister. 未成年申请人可不由父母亲陪同,独自入籍,因为第五章第一条中对年龄的要求已经去掉。未成年的监护人或法庭批准的监护人,可以代表该未成年做申请,除非移民部长免除该要求。 |
No provision existed to prevent individuals serving a sentence in the community (a conditional sentence order) from being granted citizenship, taking the Oath of Citizenship or counting this time towards meeting the physical presence requirements for citizenship. 正在社区服刑的缓刑犯,可被批准入籍、进行入籍宣誓,计算入籍居住义务。 |
Individuals serving a conditional sentence will not be granted citizenship, take the Oath of Citizenship, or be able to count this time towards meeting the physical presence requirements for citizenship. 正在服刑的缓刑犯不能被批准入籍、进行入籍宣誓或计算入籍居住义务。 |
The Minister has the discretion to grant citizenship to a person to alleviate cases of special and unusual hardship, or to reward services of an exceptional value to Canada. 移民部长可以因某申请人有特殊苦难或对加拿大有卓越贡献,酌情被批准入籍。 |
Statelessness has been added as a stand-alone ground that can be considered for a discretionary grant of citizenship. 无国籍状态可被看做独立的情况,酌情被批准入籍。 |
The Department has reasonable measures to accommodate the needs of citizenship applicants. However, there was no explicit reference to accommodate persons with disabilities in the Citizenship Act. 移民部可以合理满足申请人的需求,但是公民法中没有针对残疾人的条款。 |
The requirement to take into consideration reasonable measures to accommodate the needs of a citizenship applicant who is a disabled person is now included in the Citizenship Act. 加入了针对残疾人的条款。 |
The requirement for applicants to maintain the requirements for citizenship from the time they apply for citizenship until taking the Oath of Citizenship only applied to applications received on or after June 11, 2015. 自提交申请到进行入籍宣誓期间,申请人必须持续满足入籍要求,本条仅适用于15年6月11号当天或之后收到的申请。 |
This requirement now also applies to all applications, including those received before June 11, 2015. 本条也适用于15年6月11日前收到的申请。 |
Changes expected to take effect in fall 2017 2017年秋季预计的改变 |
Previous Citizenship Act 旧公民法 |
Citizenship Act with Bill C-6 Amendments C-6修正后的公民法 |
Applicants had to be physically present in Canada for four out of six years before applying for citizenship. 在申请入籍前,申请人必须满足在加拿大六年内住满四年。 |
Applicants must be physically present in Canada for three out of five years before applying for citizenship. 在申请入籍前,申请人必须满足在加拿大五年内住满三年。 |
Applicants had to file Canadian income taxes, if required to do so under the Income Tax Act, for four out of six years, matching the physical presence requirement. 根据所得税法,申请人须提交六年内四年的报税记录,与居住义务时长匹配。 |
Applicants must file Canadian income taxes, if required to do so under the Income Tax Act, for three out of five years, matching the new physical presence requirement. 根据所得税法,申请人须提交五年内三年的报税记录,与居住义务时长匹配。 |
Applicants had to be physically present in Canada for 183 days in four out of the six years preceding their application. 申请人须满足,六年内的四年中,在加拿大住满183天。 |
This provision is repealed. Applicants no longer have to meet this requirement. 本条已经被推翻。申请人不必满足此条件。 |
Time spent in Canada prior to becoming a permanent resident did not count towards the physical presence requirement for citizenship. 成为永久居民前在加拿大停留的时间,不能被计算在入籍居住义务内。 |
Applicants may count each day they were physically present in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person before becoming a permanent resident as a half-day toward meeting the physical presence requirement for citizenship, up to a maximum credit of 365 days. 成为永久居民前,以临时居民身份或者被庇护者身份在加拿大停留的时间可折半计算入入籍居住义务内,最多365天。 |
Applicants between 14 and 64 years had to meet the language and knowledge requirements for citizenship. 14至64周岁的申请人须达到入籍的语言要求。 |
Applicants between 18 and 54 years must meet the language and knowledge requirements for citizenship. 18至54周岁的申请人须达到入籍的语言要求。 |
Changes expected to take effect in early 2018 2018年初预计的改变 |
Previous Citizenship Act 旧公民法 |
Citizenship Act with Bill C-6 Amendments C-6修正后的公民法 |
The Minister was the decision-maker for most cases of citizenship revocation on the grounds of false representation, fraud, or knowingly concealing material circumstances. The Federal Court was the decision-maker for citizenship revocation cases involving false representation, fraud, or knowingly concealing material circumstances related to security, human or international right violations, and organized criminality. 大多数因虚假陈述,欺诈或故意隐瞒重要情况被取消公民身份的决定,由移民部长做出。因虚假陈述,欺诈或故意隐瞒重要情况,且涉及国家安全、人权或国际侵权行为或有组织犯罪,被取消公民身份的决定,由联邦法院做出。 |
The Federal Court is the decision-maker in all revocation cases, unless the individual requests that the Minister make the decision. 联邦法院负责所有的取消公民案件,除非该公民要求移民部长做决定。 |
There was no clear authority for Citizenship Officers to seize fraudulent or suspected fraudulent documents provided under the Citizenship Act. 公民法没有明确授权入籍官查获虚假或疑似虚假的文件。 |
Clear authority for Citizenship Officers to seize fraudulent or suspected fraudulent documents is provided under the Citizenship Act. 公民法明确授权入籍官查获虚假或疑似虚假的文件。 |