3月14日移民快速通道Express Entry第85次邀請分數線456,邀請3000人,不分職業、不分類別。距離移民局上次邀請已經過去了3周之久,分數線有所上漲。 Number of invitations issued: 3,000Footnote * Rank required to be invited to apply: 3,000th or above Date and time of round: March 14, 2018 at 12:08:58 UTC CRS score
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2月21日移民快速通道Express Entry第84次邀請分數線442,邀請3000人,不分職業、不分類別。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system – February 21, 2018 No program specified See full text of Ministerial Instructio
閱讀全文 →2月7日移民快速通道Express Entry第83次邀請分數線442,邀請3000人,不分職業、不分類別。 Number of invitations issued: 3,000 Rank required to be invited to apply: 3,000th or above Date and time of round: February 7, 2018 at 16:55:01 UTC CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited:
閱讀全文 →1月24日移民快速通道Express Entry第82次邀請分數線444,邀請2750人,不分職業、不分類別。目前的規律是比較穩定的兩周抽一次,每次2750人。 Number of invitations issued: 2,750 Rank required to be invited to apply: 2,750th or above Date and time of round: January 24, 2018 at 13:38:00 UTC CRS score of lowest
閱讀全文 →1月10日是2018年EE第一抽,分數線446分,邀請2750人。本次邀請分數線和人數跟上次一模一樣,預計如果邀請頻率不大幅提高的話,分數會穩定在440分左右一段時間。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #81 – January 10, 2018 The Minister of Citizenship
閱讀全文 →12月20日第80次快速通道邀請分數446分,邀請2750人,不限職業和類別。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #80 – December 20, 2017 The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, pursuant to section 10.3(1)
閱讀全文 →12月06日第79次快速通道邀請分數452分,邀請2750人,不限職業和類別。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #79 – December 6, 2017 The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, pursuant to section 10.3(1)(
閱讀全文 →11月15日第78次快速通道邀請分數439分,邀請2750人,不限職業和類別。 雖然一個月來進行了幾次不同尋常的邀請,但分數又漸漸回到了一個月之前的正常水平。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #78 – November 15, 2017 The Minister of Citizenship an
閱讀全文 →今天快速通道的邀請改變了一些技術細節,估計是為了讓邀請人數和邀請周期規律化作準備,但是本質並沒有變化。 本次邀請2000人,分數線458,如果剛好458分的人數不止一人導致候選人超過2000人,那麼同為458分的候選人根據進入池子的先後順序決定是否被邀請,這是首次對相同分數的候選人進行區分對待。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Expres
閱讀全文 →10月18日第74次快速通道邀請分數436分,邀請2757人,不限職業和類別。 Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #74 – October 18, 2017 The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, pursuant to section 10.3 of
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