很多人觉得现在交了也没用,反正会进池子,对此我们早就说了不会,最近CIC更是出了官方的解答,其中透露了Express Entry开始的时间和一些基本原则。全文如下:
Will skilled immigrants be considered under both the current admissions system and Express Entry in 2015?
技术移民会同时被现有的移民政策和2015年推出的Express Entry(快速通道)考虑么?
No. Each application is assessed according to the eligibility requirements and caps in place at the time CIC receives it. In order to be considered for Express Entry, people will have to apply separately (starting in January 2015) using a new electronic application management system. There will not be any application caps or occupation lists under Express Entry.
不会。每一个申请将会按照移民局收到当天的政策和配额进行审理。Express Entry移民必须(从2015年1月开始)单独申请,这个申请将会使用一个新的电子申请管理平台。Express Entry将不会有职业列表和配额。
There is always a time lag between when people apply and when they settle in Canada. As a result, there will be an overlap between people being processed under these caps in 2014 and people applying under Express Entry in 2015.
从递交申请到移民批准总是会有一段时间,所以2014年的联邦技术移民和2015年的Express Entry的审理会有一段时间的重叠。