在听了一堆废话之后等了20分钟(快捷接通人工坐席的方法是电话通了以后拨打3-2-1-0),终于有agent接听了。再问过我一系列的安全问题后,agent 让我描述一下自己的诉求:我跟她讲说自己刚刚收到工签只有16个月,感觉CIC是误判了,想要让她帮我提交一个reconsideration的申请,让VO 重开我的application,来重新评估一下。 然后我描述给她的理由有两点:1.我们项目时长虽然16个月但其中有4个学期,是相当于两年的master项目的;2.从项目成立以来所有学长学姐,包括我同学大多数都拿到了3年,如果只给我自己16个月是非常不公平的。Agent在听完我的描述后,说会帮我提交一个重新评估表格,会让另一位officer重开我的case,但她不能保证结果一定是positive的,建议我3个月内没收到回复在打电话来询问进程。
再过了1天而已,我收到CIC邮件说工签申请状态变了,进去my cic一查message,发现新工签给了三年,而且是从我重新申诉的时候算起而不是今年三月初算起。
Students holding a one-year graduate degree, diploma or certificate from a participating institution in Canada after having obtained, within the prior two years, a certificate, a diploma or degree from a participating institution in Canada may qualify for a three-year work permit. This exception also applies to students who have left Canada temporarily between programs of study.
Example 1: A student who obtained a one‑year MBA from a provincially or territorially accredited post-secondary institution in Canada after having obtained a one-year diploma, no more than two years before obtaining the MBA, would be allowed to cumulate both degrees and therefore would be eligible for a three-year post-graduation work permit.
Example 2: A student who obtained a one-year diploma or certificate from a participating institution in Canada after having obtained a degree in Canada at the same or in a different participating institution within the previous two years would be allowed to cumulate both educational credentials and therefore would be eligible for a three-year post-graduation work permit.
Example 3: A student attends a foreign post-secondary institution and transfers to a participating institution in Canada in order to complete their studies. Under this scenario, if the qualifying educational credential is issued at an institution outside of Canada, they would not qualify for a Post-Graduation Work Permit. However, if they did receive their educational credential from a participating Canadian institution, they may be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit only for the length of time they studied in Canada.
Example 4: A student attends their first year at a private post-secondary educational institution in Canada not eligible under this program but then transfers to a participating post-secondary institution. Under this scenario they may be eligible for a post-graduation work permit program but only for the length of time they studied at the participating post-secondary institution.