“体检不能过”的情况,适用于移民法IRPA 38条:
38. (1) A foreign national is inadmissible on health grounds if their health condition
(a) is likely to be a danger to public health;
(b) is likely to be a danger to public safety; or
(c) might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services.
(2) Paragraph (1)(c) does not apply in the case of a foreign national who
(a) has been determined to be a member of the family class and to be the spouse, common-law partner or child of a sponsor within the meaning of the regulations;
(b) has applied for a permanent resident visa as a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances;
(c) is a protected person; or
(d) is, where prescribed by the regulations, the spouse, common-law partner, child or other family member of a foreign national referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (c).
最后再看(1)(c),也就是本文要讨论的主题:“会对加拿大的卫生或公共服务造成较大的负担”。我们把这句话单独列出来:might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services. 这句话里的每个单词都引发过无数争议,也产生了无数案例。
什么样的负担能够算上”excessive demand”呢?这是被量化的,每年都会稍微涨一些,2014年12月1号的最新标准,是每年超过$6,387加币的负担,算的上是较大的负担。那么签证官根据申请人得的什么病,找相关的医生和社会机构一算,得出申请人一年会对加拿大造成多少钱的负担,没超就过签,超过了就拒签,不就可以了么?
还不可以!在这里程序公平的重要性就出来了,签证官必须要给申请人一个解释的机会。程序公平,就是签证官要给申请人一个解释的机会,让申请人打消签证官的顾虑。这封信通常叫做Procedural Fairness Letter(PFL). 对于体检不符合要求的情况,程序公平必须要体现。如果你哪天因为体检被拒签了,却没有收到过PFL,上诉是一定能赢的。
说这一节就必须要说两个案例,一个打到了最高法院:Hilewitz v. Canada; De Jong v. Canada, 2005 SCC 57. 这是一些商业移民的申请人因为家属体检没有通过被拒签了,签证官认为申请人的资产和他们是否愿意支付有关医疗和社会支出,和体检导致的结果是无关的。
[70] The medical officers were obliged to consider all relevant factors, both medical and non-medical, such as the availability of the services and the anticipated need for them. In both cases, the visa officers erred by confirming the medical officers’ refusal to account for the potential impact of the families’ willingness to assist. Moreover, their failure to read the families’ responses to the fairness letters sent to them by the medical officers meant that their decisions were not based on all the relevant available information.
[71] The parties are in agreement that correctness is the applicable standard for reviewing the visa officers’ decisions in these appeals. The error in the interpretation of s. 19(1)(a)(ii) warrants the setting aside of those decisions.
[72] Both appeals are allowed with costs throughout, and both applications are referred to the Minister for reconsideration and redetermination by different visa officers in accordance with these reasons.
因为最高法院判决的对象都是商业移民,对技术移民是否适用?这也就是我们要说到的第二个案例Canada v. Colaco, 2007 FCA 282,联邦上诉法院给出了肯定的答复。
[8] If a skilled worker applicant, like the respondents, can establish that his or her admissibility in Canada cannot reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on social services, there is, in our respectful view, no reason to exclude that applicant on that basis.
[9] The appeal will be dismissed and the following certified question:
Does the reasoning of the Supreme Court of Canada decision of Hilewitz and de Jong apply to individuals applying to immigrate to Canada as skilled workers?
will be answered in the affirmative.
虽然这两个判决是有利于申请人的,但是把事情弄得尤为复杂。现在签证官发送PFL,得附上一封Declaration of Ability and Intent让申请人选择是否签署。申请人可以提交材料证明自己将如何减少加拿大的健康和社会支出。而最终如何打消签证官的疑虑更是有大量的工作需要做。
无论如何,有这样一个机会总比没有要好,既然所有的医疗衡量都是case by case的,大部分申请人都没有必要担心自己的体检过不了,因为一是价格不一定超过,二是就算超了还可以采取一些努力。随着HIV病毒逐渐可控,在最近的一些案例中(Companioni v Canada, 2009 FC 1315),HIV病毒携带者都被认为是可以接受的。