一周又过去了,FSW 2014扣款只扣到5月8号,7、8号的扣款足足扣了一个月,然而这两天收到的申请真的那么多吗?
0013 Senior managers – financial, communications and other business services 3
0015 Senior managers – trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. –
0111 Financial managers 19
0112 Human resources managers 3
0113 Purchasing managers 3
0121 Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers 1
0311 Managers in health care 1
0711 Construction managers 2
0712 Home building and renovation managers –
0811 Managers in natural resources production and fishing –
0911 Manufacturing managers 1
1111 Financial auditors and accountants 17
1112 Financial and investment analysts 120
1113 Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers –
1114 Other financial officers 3
1123 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations 4
1212 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers 1
1224 Property administrators –
2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers 2
2131 Civil engineers 20
2132 Mechanical engineers 34
2133 Electrical and electronics engineers 11
2145 Petroleum engineers –
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants 28
2172 Database analysts and data administrators 4
2173 Software engineers and designers 54
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers 130
2232 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians –
2234 Construction estimators 1
2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians 2
2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics 2
2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety 2
2281 Computer network technicians 23
3011 Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors –
3012 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 7
3111 Specialist physicians –
3112 General practitioners and family physicians –
3132 Dietitians and nutritionists –
3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists 1
3142 Physiotherapists 11
3143 Occupational Therapists 1
3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists –
3215 Medical Radiation Technologists –
3216 Medical Sonographers –
3233 Licensed practical nurses –
3234 Paramedical occupations –
4011 University professors and lecturers 4
4151 Psychologists 1
4214 Early childhood educators and assistants –
5125 Translators, terminologists and interpreters –
最近,一向被认为是移民直通车的PNP出了新的变化,安大略省的Master’s Graduates硕士毕业生省提名在递交联邦阶段时被要求补充工作材料,甚至有已经PPR的申请人被退回护照,要求补充如下材料:
The job offer from your prospective employer indicating your occupation title and wage for the full-time, permanent position being offered.
A copy of your curriculum vitae.
If you are currently employed in Canada, provide proof of employment (e.g., Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Notice of Assessment and CRA T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid).
Proof of membership and/or registration in regulated occupations if you intend to work in an occupation that requires registration or certification in Ontario.
Reference letters showing at least 2 years of experience in the previous 5 years for your intended occupation for both work done outside or inside of Canada.
Proof of education including transcripts.
有两年的工作经验,谁还花1500大洋买PNP证书呢!安省的硕士和博士生类别,提名的本就是没有工作的毕业生,他们达到雅思7分、在安省居住一年、有一定资金实力等条件之后,可以直接申请PNP. 一向被认为拿到PNP后只是走程序的时代,被蒙上一层疑云。
CIC is doing a quality assurance pilot project. Please provide all information being requested with an explanation. We have noted this issue and did communicate with CIC.